Diamond Sponsors

Four Kitchens


In its sixth year after a successful debut in 2017, Decoupled Days is a conference for architects, developers, and businesspeople involved in implementing headless CMS architectures. The 2022 edition is scheduled for August 2022 in New York City.

Headless or decoupled CMS is the use of a content management system as a content service for other non-CMS applications, whether they are in native desktop or mobile, universal JavaScript, set-top boxes, IoT devices, conversational interfaces, or other technologies.


The mission of Decoupled Days, beyond helping attendees engage and connect with people sharing their interests, is twofold:

  • Share best practices in sessions. We encourage everyone to share their experiences in both back-end development of headless CMSs as a content service and front-end development of consumer applications consuming CMS content, especially those in JavaScript.
  • Discuss difficult shared problems in discussions. We invite everyone to help identify and discuss shared issues in headless CMS and CMS-backed front ends to gather in discussions to unblock progress in our respective communities and ecosystems, both open-source and closed-source.


The conference consists of two days in August. We are still nailing down the dates.


For the third time, Decoupled Days will introduce five separate tracks for sessions to occur in parallel:

  • The Traditional CMS track will cover the use of Drupal and WordPress as a content service and the range of architectures in decoupled Drupal and headless WordPress. Topics include Drupal web services (e.g. JSON:API and GraphQL in Drupal, WP-API and GraphQL in WordPress), recommended architectures and frameworks, techniques, and the surrounding decoupled Drupal and headless WordPress ecosystems (e.g. Contenta, WPGraphQL).
  • The Headless CMS track will cover decoupled and headless CMS technologies. Topics include web services (e.g. GraphQL), proprietary headless CMS (Contentful, Prismic, GraphCMS), and other decoupled or headless CMS architectures. For Drupal and WordPress topics, see the Traditional CMS track.
  • The JavaScript and JAMstack track will cover modern JavaScript and its use in decoupled CMS architectures. Topics include universal JavaScript, server-side rendering, Node.js and ES2015 techniques, frameworks and libraries (e.g. Angular, Ember, React, Vue), static site generators (e.g. Gatsby, Gridsome, Hugo), JAMstack architectures and hosting (e.g. Netlify), and JavaScript modernization efforts in Drupal.
  • The People and Community track will cover the personal and community dimensions of decoupled CMS, including issues of inclusion, accessibility, and mental health. Topics include diversity and inclusion, accessibility, culture and ethics, governance, codes of conduct, and event organizing. Other topics include health and well-being, personal and professional growth, and empathy and communication.
  • The Business/CXO track will cover decoupled CMS in the business, consultancy, and client landscape. Topics include case studies of successful implementations, buyer personas, sales and marketing in decoupled CMS, building and scaling your decoupled CMS business, agency and consultancy operations, client and stakeholder decision-making, and business strategy and innovation.

Gold Sponsors

Kanopi Studios

Bronze Sponsors


Media Sponsors

The Weekly Drop